Biometric Mirror

Microsoft Research Centre for Social Natural User Interfaces at The University of Melbourne (Australia)

What is written on your face? Does AI recognition belong in the public space?

CCTV cameras and advertisement screens have started using artificial intelligence (AI) to detect our emotions, age, gender and demographic information of those who pass by. All in the hopes of knowing who you are and what product you’ll buy. Biometric Mirror questions the tech behind these insidious schemes. Have the mirror take your photo and witness the psychometric analysis of your face. Do you possess attributes of Aggressiveness? Weirdness? Emotional instability? The AI will judge you on these and many more, as we wonder together about how the algorithmic bias inbuilt in these programs are creating inaccuracies and incorrect assumptions.

Biometric Mirror was developed by the School of Computing and Information Systems at the University of Melbourne in collaboration with Science Gallery Melbourne. Creative minds that have contributed to the development of this installation include Dr Niels Wouters, Professor Frank Vetere, Dr Eduardo Velloso and Zaher Joukhadar.

Biometric Mirror was commissioned by Science Gallery Melbourne